Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Indian Wednesday #1: Red pepper and pistachio curried prawns

For the inaugural Indian Wednesday, I decided to cook red pepper and pistachio curried prawns, which featured on Monica Bhide's blog last month. The recipe can be found here.

I made a couple of small changes to the recipe. Firstly, I added some small prawns as well as the large ones in order to add some interest to the plating. I live in Paris and so am very influenced by current French trends in plating and wanted to try something that looked French but tasted Indian. Also, I served it with some saffron jewelled basmati rice. Apart from that, the recipe was exactly as per the original.

I loved this dish. The sauce, had a solid base of pistachio with a freshness added by the pepper and onion and cut through with the spiky spicy chile. After some sneaky seconds there are no leftovers, which I think says it all. Super easy to make, this will definitely enter my regular repetoire.

I'd be very interested to hear your experiences with this recipe, so feel free to add comments below. So, until next Indian Wednesday, au revoir!

Ingredients ready to go

... et voilĂ ! Bon appetit!

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